Ordering folders.
To order folders select the section then select a folder cover, enter the quantity required. When finished selecting folders go to the Basket and enter your details including any overprint requirements. They can also be viewed and read from this sub-menu.
Folders can also be ordered by phone 01505228208 or by email info@telitquick.org
Below is advice on ordering folders.
The shopping basket adds up the cost of the folders.
Some people use the folders as cards to send to their friends or as personal handwritten invitations to church services. For those who do this, envelopes are available for 5p.
Specials like foreign language and other folders not in stock which need little preparation can be printed from 2+ copies.
There is no VAT charged.
Please contact us for TRADE prices. We support Christian witness through shops.
Get your contact details overprinted on the folders.
Seasonal titles have space for 16 lines of your own details. Other titles have space for 9 lines of text.
Things you could include are:–
Church or Organization name,
words of welcome;
times of meetings/services;
and contact names, emails and telephone numbers including bar or QR codes.
A proof will be emailed as a pdf or by post if you don’t have an email account.
Printing starts after the proof has been approved.
While we endeavour to always have stock on hand, there are occasions when we run out, please allow time to get stock or use another title.
Please order seasonal folders early as they are the busiest times of the year.
Quantities of less than 2000 can usually be dispatched within 3 days from when the order is placed or the proof is approved.
Quantities of 3000 and above take 2-3 weeks from the order is placed.
Parcels of less than 200 folders are sent by Royal Mail and take 2 days from posting.
Larger parcels are sent by courier and take 3 to 5 days. This can be 2 weeks at Christmas!
Carriage is charged at the best rate on the day of posting.
Five types of sample pack can be ordered.
SP1. 10 Titles. Our choice or yours. £2.75
SP2. 75 General and Sport titles. £14.20
SP3. 100 Seasonal, General and Sport titles. £18.85
SP4 Pack of 15 Seasonal Mix with Envelopes. £5.10
SP5 Pack of 15 Seasonal Mix. No Envelopes. £4.35
The prices are inclusive of post.